Today, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ISOO issued CUI Memo 2020-03-30 that clarifies issues concerning the application of an exigent circumstances waiver to CUI safeguarding requirements while teleworking.
Today, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ISOO issued CUI Memo 2020-03-30 that clarifies issues concerning the application of an exigent circumstances waiver to CUI safeguarding requirements while teleworking.
ISOO Director Mark A. Bradley today (March 20, 2020) is launching The ISOO Overview Blog, as a new forum for engaging with the public, and all ISOO stakeholders, including everyone in the CUI community of interest. The new blog welcomes comments, which all components of the ISOO staff will review as part of their work.
From now and beyond the current public health emergency, The ISOO Overview Blog will post information at least once a week, including notifications of relevant events, ISOO policy, guidance, and activities; and ISOO reports and perspectives on ISOO’s lines of business and matters related to ISOO’s roles and authorities.
We look forward to brighter days ahead, and continuously expanding conversation in the public interest about how the Federal Government manages, protects, classifies, declassifies, shares and releases its vastly increasing information assets.
Be well and remain engaged.
Please see the attached slides from the CUI Stakeholders Q2 2020
The Next CUI Program Update to Stakeholders is scheduled for May 20 (1pm-3pm Eastern). Web address and call in information to follow.
Please submit questions that you would like addressed during the next session to
The conference begins at 1:00 PM Eastern Time on Today February 12, 2020; you may join the conference 10 minutes prior.
When you access the entry link above, you will be provided a choice – to install the WebEx plug-in for your preferred browser or to join the web conference using a temporary path. Either option is acceptable.
Need technical assistance?
Audio Connection: 1-888-796-6118 or 1-847-562-7015
Web Connection: 1-888-793-6118
If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to
Reminder: ISOO, as the Executive Agent for the CUI Program, does not endorse nor evaluates any of the products and/or services being offered by Presenters or vendors.
If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to
Reminder: ISOO, as the Executive Agent for the CUI Program, does not endorse nor evaluates any of the products and/or services being offered by Presenters or vendors.
If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to
Reminder: ISOO, as the Executive Agent for the CUI Program, does not endorse nor evaluates any of the products and/or services being offered by Presenters or vendors.
This event is a Web Conference only.
The conference begins at 1:00 PM Eastern Time on February 12, 2020; you may join the conference 10 minutes prior.
When you access the entry link above, you will be provided a choice – to install the WebEx plug-in for your preferred browser or to join the web conference using a temporary path. Either option is acceptable.
Need technical assistance?
Audio Connection: 1-888-796-6118 or 1-847-562-7015
Web Connection: 1-888-793-6118
Topics include:
Please submit questions that you would like addressed during the session to NLT February 7, 2020.
The next CUI Program update will be held on February 12, 2020 (1-3 EST). The link, call-in number, and pass-code will be posted to the blog prior to the meeting.
Topics include: