Reminder: Industry Day

Industry clapart

February 11, 2020

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

McGowan Theater + Presidential Conference rooms

National Archives Museum

701 Constitution Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20408

This event is FREE to all vendors and attendees!


Come learn about products and services that have been developed for the CUI Program at ISOO’s third Industry Day for stakeholders (Agencies, Industry, Non-Federal Organizations).

We will have 23 booths available on a first come, first served basis.  Booths are available to any stakeholder who wishes to showcase any products, services, and/or efforts related to the CUI Program and its implementation.

We are also offering six presentation slots for stakeholders (agencies or other stakeholders) on a first come, first served basis.  Presentations must focus on CUI marking principles, strategies, or techniques.  Each presentation should be no longer than 15 minutes.

If you are interested in presenting or having a booth at this event, please submit the attached form and submit to

If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP to

industry Day request form 2020

Reminder: ISOO, as the Executive Agent for the CUI Program, does not endorse nor evaluates any of the products and/or services being offered by Presenters or vendors.

SLIDES: CUI Program Update to Stakeholders Nov 13 (1-3 EST)

Thank you to all those who attended the CUI Stakeholder meeting today. Please see the attached set of slides from the briefing. The next meeting will be February, 12th (1-3 EST).

CUI Stakeholders Briefing Nov 13

For those that did not attend topics included:

  • An update on New and Future CUI Notices
  • An update on agency implementation efforts
  • CUI and Metadata Plans/Discussion
  • The status and plans for a CUI Federal Acquisition Regulation Rule
  • The Upcoming CUI Industry Day:  February 11, 2020
  • Time for Questions and Answers

CUI Program Update to Stakeholders Nov 13 (1-3 EST).

Topics include:

  • An update on New and Future CUI Notices
  • An update on agency implementation efforts
  • CUI and Metadata Plans/Discussion
  • The status and plans for a CUI Federal Acquisition Regulation Rule
  • The Upcoming CUI Industry Day:  February 11, 2020
  • Time for Questions and Answers

Step 1: Dial into the conference.
Dial-in: 1-877-369-5243 or 1-617-668-3633
Access Code: 0567337##

Step 2: Join the conference on your computer.

Hosted by: Devin Casey and Charlene Wallace

Save the Date: Industry Day

On February 11, 2020

from 10:00 to 2:00 pm

ISOO and the CUI Program office

will be hosting it’s 3rd

Industry Day.

There will be 23 vendor booths available and speaking opportunities from Government agencies and Industry.


There will be another post with more details in the upcoming weeks. 

If you have questions or concerns, please email the

CUI Program office at

A Training Session on Implementing CUI



On Thursday the 29th of August from 1-3, the CUI Program office will host a in person training session on the implementation of the CUI program.  The training will include a brief background of the program, an update on the status of implementation, and a program elements overview.

The training will be held in the Washington Room at the National Archives building, 701 Constitution Ave NW (please use the special events entrance). We are not offering a call in number for this session.

This event is open to the first 55 people who RSVP to and it is intended for those who are supporting or developing a CUI program at their agency or organization.

FY 2018 ISOO Annual Report Release

The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Annual Report to the President today and posted it here.  In his Letter to the President, ISOO Director Mark A. Bradley highlighted the challenges the Government faces in trying to safeguard and manage petabytes of electronic data using antiquated systems meant for paper. He also stressed the need for the Government to modernize its information security and information management policies, and to adopt a technology and investment strategy to accomplish it.

The report featured both an update on ISOO’s efforts to implement recommendations from its FY 2017 Annual Report to the President and a high-level assessment of the various programs in ISOO’s portfolio, including the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Program.  The first page of the FY 2018 report is dedicated to an evaluation of agency CUI implementation efforts and ISOO’s work supporting implementation. The report noted that agencies have made significant progress since last year, but work remains to be done.

Specifically, many agencies still have not submitted CUI budget estimates to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). To aid agencies, ISOO worked with OMB to modify section 31.15 of Circular A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget. This guidance now includes details meant to inform what agencies need to include in submitting their CUI implementation budget estimates: hiring staff to implement and manage the program; developing and deploying automated marking tools; and creating training programs for agency staff. ISOO also worked with the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, the National Aeronautical and Space Administration, and the General Services Administration to draft standard safeguarding requirements for inclusion in a Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). ISOO and its partners hope to finalize these requirements in FY 2019 so it is ready for use by agencies.

We hope you take time to read both the Director’s Letter to the President as well as the full report.

CUI Program Update to Stakeholders


The next CUI Program update to Stakeholders will be held on

               November 13 from 1-3.

The following information that will be discussed:

Topics include:

  • A brief overview of the CUI program;
  • An update on agency implementation efforts;
  • The status and plans for a CUI Federal Acquisition Regulation Rule;
  • CUI Training session that will be held on August 29 from 1-3;
  • Time for Questions and Answers.

Hosted by: Devin Casey and Charlene Wallace

The phone in information will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

A Training Session on Implementing CUI

On Thursday the 29th of August from 1-3, the CUI Program office will host a in person training session on the implementation of the CUI program.  The training will include a brief background of the program, an update on the status of implementation, and a program elements overview.

The training will be held in the Washington Room at the National Archives building, 701 Constitution Ave NW (please use the special events entrance). We are not offering a call in number for this session.

This event is open to the first 55 people who RSVP to and it is intended for those who are supporting or developing a CUI program at their agency or organization.