CUI Coversheet and Labels

sf combimed

There’s a completely new look on the horizon for the identification of CUI products.  One part involves the individual document(s); the other involves all the other media forms.  Also, the color for the new forms is purple, and thus it will be instantly distinguishable from all other forms!

The CUI coversheets themselves  have been reduced to one, and while that one is reminiscent of the Optional Forms (OF) 901, OF 902 and OF 903, and OF 903, it has evolved into the Standard Form (SF) 901.  It can be downloaded from either the ISOO or General Services Administration (GSA) website.  It is still a fillable form and is provided at no cost (see ISOO Notice 2019-01).  You may continue to use the old forms until existing supplies have been depleted, however they can no longer be downloaded.  The SF 901 is available for download immediately, and as before, once it is affixed to the top of the document(s), it remains attached until the document(s) no longer requires protection, is properly secured, and/or is decontrolled or destroyed.

coversheet image

The new SF 902 is is a standard size label, much like the ones authorized for classified media, and is used to identify and protect electronic media and other media that contain CUI.  It is used instead of the SF 901 for media other than documents.  If your agency determines, as part of its risk management strategy, that a standard size label is required, the SF 902 will be used.  It must be affixed to the medium containing CUI in a manner that would not adversely affect operation of the equipment in which the medium is used, and once it has been applied, it cannot be removed.  This form is not yet available, but soon will be.  It is expected to be available for purchase through GSA, but the exact date is yet to be determined.  Also it will be not be downloadable, as it comes in a pad of about 50 sheets (5-1/4 X 4-1/4″ sheet of six 2-1/8 X 1-1/4″ labels), and its cost is to be approximately $25.00 per pad.


The new SF 903 is a thumb drive size label  The SF 903 is used to identify and protect electronic media that contains CUI.  If your agency determines, as part of its risk management strategy, that a thumb drive size label is required, the SF 903 will be used.  The SF 903 is affixed to a thumb drive containing CUI in a manner that would not adversely affect either operation of the drive or operation of the medium in which it is inserted, and as with the SF 902, once it has been applied, it cannot be removed.  This form also is not yet available, but soon will be.  It is expected to be available for purchase through GSA, but the exact date is yet to be determined.  Similar to the SF 902,  this form will not be downloadable, as it comes in a pad of about 50 sheets (5-1/4 X 4-1/4″ sheet of twelve 2-1/8 X 5/8″ labels), and its cost is to be approximately $25.00 per pad.


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